Citymoov App
To play a quest, you’ll need to download and install the citymoov app on a mobile device. The citymoov app is available free of charge for iOS and Android.
No, you do not need an internet connection to play a quest. You will need a connection before the quest is begun and again to complete the quest. At the beginning, the content of the quest, such as questions, tasks, and images are downloaded to your mobile device. In order to upload your results at the end of the quest, you’ll also need an internet connection. So long as all of the content is preloaded, you do not need an internet connection while playing.
Please note: external content, such as embedded YouTube videos and websites that have been linked cannot be preloaded.
No. Quests can only be played using the citymoov app, which has been optimized to work on iOS and Android and is only available on those platforms.
The permissions needed by the citymoov app depend on the elements or functions used in the quest:
● Camera: Scan start codes and QR codes, take pictures and videos.
● Microphone: Record audio and video.
● Storage: Save images, video, and audio files.
● Location: identify your locationPermissions will only be used to enable this functionality. The app makes no other use of these permissions.
Quest and quest creation
Yes, more than one person can work on a quest. Changes to the quest are saved in real time. If more than one person is working on a quest at once, changes might be overwritten.
Public quests can be found in the citymoov app as well as on the citymoov website. If you designate a start point, the quest will also be shown on the map of public quests. Secret quests, in contrast, are not listed publicly and can only be started using the quest URL or the start QR code.
No. The Start QR-code is generated when the quest is created and does not change, so you can use it to print on flyers, for example.
Be advised: QR-codes that are generated for testing purposes do change as soon as the quest is edited and are therefore only intended for testing purposes.
Yes, the quest can be edited at any time. In order to make the changes available to your players, the current version of the quest must be placed online.
No. Changes are not uploaded to quests that are currently being played. Quests currently being played must be completed or discontinued, and quests that have been downloaded to a device must be deleted and reinstalled for the changes to be transferred to the device.
Quest players’ results are generally not shown publicly. They will only be linked to on the public quest page after the players confirm that they should be published.
Quest creators also have the possibility of setting up their quests so that no results are published on the public quest page.
Just shoot us an email at contact@interacthealthy.com and share the name of your quest as well as the nickname or the team name that you used so that we can take your results offline.
To delete your results, just write us an email at contact@interacthealthy.com and share the name of your quest as well as the team name or user name that you used.
Account and Profile
If you forget your password, you can get a new one by going to the login page and clicking on "Forgot Password". Check your spam folder if you don’t get an email with your new password.
You can change your username, your email address, or your password in your profile.
To remove your account, write an email from the address you used to register your account to contact@interacthealthy.com.